Thursday, 1 June 2017

Atlantica Online Trading Guide

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HearthStone. 2017 marque o fim de lane du Kraken eo dbut dune nova re. Lanne du Mammouth. Starblast. io. A versão em linha continuada dexister e restera acessível mais livremente, no Greenlight obtido sobre o vapor, uma versão autônoma do jogo para o PC, Mac e Linux. ARK: Survival Evolved. Depuis sa sortie le 6 dcembre 2016, 1M de joueurs ont achet le jeu sur PS4.Paragon. Le prochain hros se une ao MOBA gratis sobre PC e PlayStation 4 SERA Shinbi (Esprit, Croissance), um clero pop-star que invoque des loups sur scne. Elle arrivera le mardi 21 fvrier. War Trovão. Com a extremidade da fuga dos campos japoneses, o trovão da guerra prparou prpare de novas máquinas de combateDropzone. Le lancement de Dropzone em accs ante um dbut com um pacote de dmarrage descouade 19,99 e un pack commandant 39,99.Mobius Final Fantasy. Au Japon, le jeu accueille linoubliable Clique para ampliar Aerith sous la forme dune. De novas cartas sobre o tema de FFVII também contribuem. Quatre ans aprs son lancement, lexprience de jeu PvP authentique de 2007 clbre son anniversaire avec style. World of Warcraft - WoW. Terminez 15 partidos com um amigo e um encarnado de Warcraft para obter um Sabre-de-fogo primordial. The Exiled. Diffrents packs podem ser usados ​​para desfrutar do jogo uma vez por 7 dias gratuits termins. I am Setsuna. Le JRPG está disponível em francês. Despeje para este vement, o bnficie dune rduction de 40 acompanha dun afro exclusivos na loja de Square Enix. Skyforge. A versão PlayStation 4 de MMO daction de Meu dvoile de se em toda uma nova bande-annonce. Cabal em linha 1.Our promessa para o envio de Cabal Alz é 8 mins-24 horas. 2.After que você paga, contata por favor com nosso apoio em linha. Nós arranjaremos um comércio cara a cara com você no jogo. 3.Se você alguma dúvida, você pode ver as FAQ primeiro. Se suas perguntas não estiverem incluídas na página de perguntas frequentes, você pode entrar em contato conosco por qualquer meio de anúncio no site. Moeda virtual 4.All, powerleveling serviço que estamos vendendo é feita pela mão humana. Possível encerramento de conta ao usar nivelamento ilegal ou ouro obtido ilegalmente O Cabal Online é um jogo de RPG online gratuito, massivamente multijogador, desenvolvido pela empresa sul-coreana ESTsoft. Diferentes versões do jogo estão disponíveis para países ou regiões específicas, publicadas por várias empresas como OGPlanet e Asiasoft. Embora o Cabal Online seja gratuito, o jogo tem uma Cash Shop que permite aos jogadores comprar acessórios de jogo e itens de jogo úteis usando moeda real. O jogo ocorre em um mundo mítico conhecido como Nevareth, que foi destruído por uma entidade maligna conhecida como CABAL. Dos sobreviventes, sete Mestres se levantaram, cada um empunhando as habilidades do Poder da Força. Esses mestres ensinaram o povo, e Nevareth foi reconstruído. Anos mais tarde, o CABAL está planejando um retorno ao poder, e os personagens do jogo assumem o papel de heróis que lutam contra a revolta e conspiração CABAL. História O Cabal Online foi lançado pela primeira vez na Coréia do Sul em outubro de 2005. O jogo foi lançado depois de testes beta fechados na Europa em julho de 2006 e em dezembro de 2006 foi anunciado que o jogo e todas as versões subseqüentes se tornaram livres. Na América do Norte, a OGPlanet pegou a licença para o jogo eo teste beta aberto começou em 1º de fevereiro de 2008. Também foi afirmado que a versão completa provavelmente seria até o final de fevereiro. Em 28 de fevereiro de 2008, o jogo foi lançado oficialmente na América do Norte, enquanto a versão beta aberta começou no Sudeste Asiático em março de 2008. Em 2009 Feburay o jogo lançou sua primeira beta aberta para Cabal Global (GSC). Como muitos MMORPGs, os centros de jogo em torno de matar monstros, fazer missões e aventurar-se em dungeons para obter pontos de experiência (EXP) e Alz, a moeda ingame (Alz significa peças de ouro). Os jogadores podem se unir para formar uma festa, com um máximo de 7 caracteres. O Bônus de Festa Extra é obtido pelos membros do partido, com base em suas contribuições. Existem caracteres em servidores, cada um com seu próprio nome exclusivo (por exemplo, Mercúrio, Vênus, Terra, Marte, Júpiter, Netuno). Embora a versão norte-americana do jogo só tem 2 servidores diferentes, Mercúrio e Vênus. No entanto, os jogadores de servidores diferentes não podem interagir uns com os outros e os caracteres não podem ser transferidos entre servidores. Em cada servidor, os jogadores podem criar vários caracteres (até 6 por servidor por conta). Cada servidor tem 20 canais, alguns com seus próprios detalhes. (Por exemplo, Canal 20 é um Canal de Guerra - Os jogadores podem PK livremente através do canal). Há 4 Canais Premium (Canais Especiais apenas acessíveis quando o prémio é comprado (Pontos Astral). Existe um canal de Comércio (Especial para Negociação) e um Canal de Iniciante (Para novos iniciantes). Cada servidor oferece o mesmo conteúdo do jogo e é Dividido em vários canais, entre os quais os jogadores são autorizados a mudar livremente. Há canais específicos para certas atividades, como a negociação e condução da guerra. Mundo Um jogador passando pelo portão de urdidura localizado no gelo sangrento. O mundo de Cabal Online é dividido em diferentes Zonas ou mapas. Novos caracteres só têm acesso a três das zonas disponíveis, mas terá acesso a mais zonas à medida que progridem no jogo. Cada zona tem um tema (por exemplo, deserto, selva e neve) e seu próprio conjunto único de NPCs E os monstros. Para viajar de uma zona para outra, os jogadores devem passar pelo portão de urdidura encontrado em cada zona goldicq estão oferecendo mais barato Cabal Alz ou Cabal Gold para os nossos clientes. seu pedido. Em nenhum outro lugar você pode encontrar uma grande venda Junte-se a nós e obter o seu Cabal Alz e Cabal Gold. Fique de olho na nossa venda especial todos os dias :) Aqui é o melhor lugar para os jogadores Cabal para comprar o seu Cabal Alz amp Cabal Gold. Nós somos o site profissional para Cabal Alz amp Cabal Gold venda. Nós só oferecemos o menor preço para Cabal Money eo melhor serviço, estamos 247 on-line, se você tiver quaisquer problemas com a compra de Cabal Gold. Você pode contatar-nos a qualquer momento e nós tentaremos nosso melhor para resolver seus problemas. Nosso slogan: O preço o mais barato, entrega rápida, o melhor serviço promessa 1.Our para o ouro em linha do Cabal, artigos, enviando dos clientes está em 8 mins-24 horas. 2.Fill no nome do seu personagem (no nome do jogo) e seu caminho de contato quando você faz um pedido. 3.After que você paga, contata por favor com nosso apoio em linha. Nós arranjaremos um comércio cara a cara com você ou o correio para você no jogo. 4.Se você tiver alguma dúvida, você pode ver as FAQ primeiro. Se as suas perguntas não estiverem incluídas na página de FAQ, basta contactar o nosso chat ao vivo. Possível encerramento da conta ao usar nivelamento ilegal ou ouro obtido ilegalmente. Skype: goldicqteam (Serviço de Apoio ao Cliente, 24 X 7 Online) Tel: 001 (707) 304-5533 Vender para nós Skype: Evite enganar por falsos nomes Skype, basta clicar no ícone Skype para enviar solicitação de amigo em vez de nos procurar no Skype. Live: 320123364 (24 X 7 Online) goldicq (cheio, por favor adicione o primeiro) (Tenha cuidado com os scammers usando falsos nomes de Skype para fazer batota, por favor clique aqui para ver detalhes.) O CDC identificou o Brasil como um Afetada do surto de Zika. As mulheres grávidas são aconselhadas a ser cauteloso como o vírus pode levar a defeitos de nascimento. Os adultos afetados pelo vírus experimentam febre, erupção cutânea, dor nas articulações e conjuntivite (olhos vermelhos), normalmente com duração de uma semana. Você pode aprender mais visitando o site oficial do CDC. Português brasileiro (BRL) 8,514,877km água: 55,460km terra: 8,459,417km oficial: português reconhecido em alguns estados: Talian, Pomeranian, Hunsrik e alemão também falado: 180 línguas indígenas, inglês e espanhol Católica Romana 64.6, Protestante 22.2, nenhum 8.0 (Censo de 2010) Brasil (Português: Brasil) é o maior país da América do Sul e o quinto maior do mundo. Famosa pela sua tradição de futebol (futebol) e seu Carnaval anual no Rio de Janeiro. Salvador. Recife e Olinda. É um país de grande diversidade, desde o movimentado mosaico urbano de So Paulo até a infinita energia cultural de Pernambuco e Bahia. O deserto da floresta amazônica e marcos de classe mundial, como as Cataratas do Iguaçu. Há muito para ver e fazer no Brasil. O Brasil foi habitado apenas por povos indígenas, principalmente dos etnias tupi e guarani. O assentamento pelos portugueses começou no final do século XVI, com a extração de madeira valiosa da árvore pau brasil, da qual o país chama seu nome. O Brasil foi estabelecido pelos portugueses e não pelos espanhóis, assim como o resto da região central, sul e partes da América do Norte no Novo Mundo. Apesar do domínio português, em algumas partes do Brasil os holandeses fundaram colônias entre 1630 e 1654. Fundaram várias cidades, como Mauritsville (agora Recife, capital do Estado de Pernambuco, à beira do Nordeste do país) e Muitas plantações de cana-de-açúcar. Os holandeses travaram uma guerra sombria na selva com os portugueses e, sem o apoio da República da sua pátria devido a uma guerra com a Inglaterra, os holandeses renderam-se aos portugueses, embora não reconhecessem oficialmente o domínio português, o que levou a um all - Em 1656. Em 1665 foi assinado o Tratado de Paz de Haia, Portugal perdeu as suas colónias asiáticas e teve de pagar 63 toneladas de ouro para compensar a República Holandesa pela perda da sua colónia. O Brasil tornou-se o centro do Império Português em 1808, quando o Rei Dom Joo VI (João VI) fugiu da invasão de Napoleão de Portugal e estabeleceu-se e seu governo na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os séculos seguintes viram uma exploração ainda maior das riquezas naturais do país, como ouro e borracha, ao lado da ascensão de uma economia baseada em grande parte no açúcar, café e trabalho escravo africano. Entretanto, o extermínio e cristianização dos nativos manteve o seu ritmo, e nos séculos XIX e XX ocorreu uma segunda onda de imigração, principalmente italiana, alemã (no sul do Brasil), espanhola, japonesa (nos estados de So Paulo e Paraná) Em So Paulo), e português, tornando a cultura e a sociedade brasileiras complexas e únicas. Depois de três séculos sob o governo de Portugal, o Brasil se tornou uma nação independente em 7 de setembro de 1822. Até 1889 o Brasil era um Império sob o domínio de Dom Pedro I e seu filho D. Pedro II. Por esta altura, tornou-se uma potência internacional emergente. Mas durante estes três séculos e meio, o Brasil foi a nação das Américas com a escravidão mais difundida, a primeira a trazer o povo africano à força e a última a libertá-los. Devido às leis inglesas contra a escravidão (alguns argumentam mais por concursos econômicos do que razões humanitárias) e luta entre brancos e negros, escravos e livres, para a abolição, a escravidão terminou em 1888. Mas a liberdade não significava igualdade aos negros agora livres e Seus descendentes. De longe, o maior e mais populoso país da América Latina, também superou mais de duas décadas (1964-1985) de ditadura militar que prendeu, exilou, torturou e assassinou potenciais opositores, a maioria civis inocentes. Estes tempos escuros são conhecidos como Os Anos de Chumbo (anos de chumbo). Só recentemente, com o estabelecimento de uma Comissão Nacional da Verdade (2011), a nação começou a enfrentar os abusos dos direitos humanos que acompanharam o golpe apoiado pelos EUA que derrubou o eleito democraticamente Joo Goulart em 1964. O Brasil voltou ao domínio democrático, Enfrentando o desafio de manter seu crescimento industrial e agrícola e desenvolver seu interior. Explorando vastos recursos naturais e um grande pool de mão-de-obra, o Brasil é uma potência econômica da América Latina e um líder regional. O Brasil tem altas taxas de criminalidade, desigualdade de renda e corrupção sistêmica e secular. Apesar disso, as pessoas tentam permanecer felizes e festivas. Cultura Editar Debido ao Brasil dimensões continentais, geografia variada, história e pessoas, a cultura do país é rica e diversificada. Possui enormes variações regionais (mesmo entre os Estados vizinhos, por vezes) e, apesar de ser unificada em grande parte por uma única língua, algumas regiões e Estados são tão diferentes uns dos outros que parecem diferentes países. A música desempenha um papel importante na identidade brasileira. Estilos como choro. Samba e bossa nova são consideradas genuinamente brasileiras. A música Caipira também está nas raízes do sertanejo. O equivalente nacional à música country. MPB significa Música Popular Brasileira, que mistura vários estilos nacionais sob um único conceito. Forr. Um estilo de música de dança do norte-oriental feliz, também se tornou comum em todo o país. Novos estilos urbanos incluem funk - nome dado a um gênero de música de dança de Rios favelas que mistura batidas eletrônicas pesadas e freqüentemente raunchy rap - e techno-brega. Um pleaser da multidão nos estados do norte, que funde o PNF romântico, a música da dança e os ritmos do Cararibe. O funk brasileiro é o tipo mais popular de música que eles ouvem. Tem uma batida constante e repetida que é sempre a mesma, nunca muda. Eles mantêm a batida, e cantam canções para ela. Existem mais de 1000 músicas que são funk. Você pode pensar que as pessoas se cansam da mesma batida, mas não. É tão impressionante que há tantas músicas que nunca ficam velhas. Funk poderia ser considerado tradição por causa de sua força no ritmo, e reunir as pessoas. Uma mistura de artes marciais, dança, música e jogo, a capoeira foi criada por escravos africanos trazidos para o Brasil, principalmente da Angola portuguesa. Distinguido por movimentos vivazes complicados e música acompanhante, pode ser visto e praticado em muitas cidades brasileiras. Na música clássica, o período neoclássico é particularmente notável, devido aos trabalhos de compositores como Heitor Villa-Lobos e Camargo Guarnieri, que criaram uma escola típica brasileira, misturando elementos da música tradicional européia aos ritmos brasileiros, enquanto outros compositores como Cludio Santoro seguiu as diretrizes da Segunda Escola de Viena. No período romântico, o maior nome foi Antonio Carlos Gomes, autor de algumas óperas de estilo italiano com temas típicos brasileiros, como Il Guarany e Lo Schiavo. No período clássico, o nome mais proeminente é Jos Maurcio Nunes Garcia, um padre que escreveu a música sacred e secular e foi influenciado muito pelo estilo classical vienense do 18o e do 19o século adiantado. Candomblé e Umbanda são religiões com raízes africanas que sobreviveram ao preconceito e à perseguição e ainda têm um significativo seguimento no Brasil. Seus lugares de culto são chamados terreiros e muitos estão abertos para visitar. As características indígenas podem ser encontradas especialmente na Região Norte, da cozinha ao vocabulário. Ainda existem muitos grupos indígenas e tribos que vivem no Norte, embora muitos tenham sido profundamente influenciados pela cultura ocidental, e vários dos países que sobrevivem línguas indígenas estão em perigo. O estilo de vida tradicional e as expressões gráficas do grupo indígena Wajpi do estado do Amap foram proclamados uma obra-prima do Património Mundial Imaterial pela UNESCO. A Globo, a maior rede nacional de televisão, também desempenha um papel importante na formação da identidade nacional e da opinião pública. Nove em cada dez lares dispõem de um aparelho de TV, que é a fonte mais importante de informações e entretenimento para a maioria dos brasileiros, seguido da transmissão de rádio. TVs transmitiram esportes, filmes, notícias locais e nacionais e telenovelas (telenovelas) 6-10 meses de duração série que se tornaram uma das principais exportações culturais do país. Pessoas Editar Ao longo de sua história, o Brasil acolheu diversos povos e práticas. O Brasil constitui um caldeirão dos mais diversos grupos étnicos, atenuando assim os preconceitos étnicos e prevenindo os conflitos raciais, embora a escravidão e o genocídio duradouros entre as populações indígenas tenham causado estragos. O preconceito é sorrateiro, já que este assunto é tabu no Brasil e mais dirigido a diferentes classes sociais do que entre raças. No entanto, a raça, ou simplesmente a cor da pele, ainda é um fator de divisão na sociedade brasileira e você notará que a pele escurece normalmente à medida que a classe social fica mais baixa: as classes ricas são quase brancas, ) E até mesmo os negros ea maioria dos pobres são negros - exceto na Região Sul porque negros e mulatos compõem menos de 10 de sua população. Hoje em dia, no entanto, as populações afro-brasileiras e ameríndias estão cada vez mais conscientes dos seus direitos civis e da sua rica herança cultural, e a mobilidade social é possível através da educação. Em geral, os brasileiros são um povo divertido. Enquanto os sulistas podem ser um pouco mais frio e mais reservado, do Rio para cima as pessoas geralmente possuem uma atitude cativante para a vida e realmente gostam de ter um bom tempo. Alguns podem mesmo dizer-lhe que cerveja, futebol, samba, churrasco e mulher é tudo o que poderia desejar. Amizade e hospitalidade são traços altamente elogiados, e as conexões familiares e sociais são fortemente valorizadas. Para os povos que se encontraram, ou pelo menos sabem pelo nome, os brasileiros são geralmente muito abertos, amigáveis ​​e às vezes bastante generosos. Uma vez introduzido, até obter uma boa razão para não, um típico brasileiro pode tratá-lo tão calorosamente como ele trataria um melhor amigo. Os brasileiros são considerados uma das pessoas mais hospitaleiras do mundo e os estrangeiros geralmente são tratados com respeito e muitas vezes com verdadeira admiração. As atitudes em relação aos estrangeiros também podem estar sujeitas a algum tratamento diferenciado: na maioria das cidades, quem fala, atua ou se parece com um turista (até mesmo com outros brasileiros) pode cobrar preços mais altos, como em estacionamentos, restaurantes, shoppings abertos etc. Os brasileiros parecem ser genuinamente amigáveis, mas muitos estão acostumados a pequenos atos de corrupção no cotidiano, o chamado jeitinho brasileiro. O povo do Rio de Janeiro se vangloria de sua capacidade de enganar as pessoas (especialmente de outros países e estados brasileiros) e até mesmo apelidado de Terra de Malandro. Se você obviamente se parece com um turista, você é um alvo potencial, por exemplo, um vendedor pode tentar vender bens a preços mais elevados, ou um motorista de táxi pode escolher o caminho mais longo para o destino. Não significa que você não pode confiar em ninguém, só que você tem que ser um pouco mais alerta e cuidadoso, especialmente se alguém parece muito amigável. Observe que em alguns Estados as pessoas chamam todos de amigo, não importa o grau de intimidade que têm entre si, meramente como boas maneiras. Considerando que as raízes ocidentais da cultura brasileira são em grande parte européias, especialmente ibéricas, como evidenciado por suas cidades coloniais e até mesmo esporádicos edifícios históricos entre os arranha-céus, tem havido uma tendência forte nas últimas décadas a adotar um estilo de vida mais americano que se encontra em Cultura urbana e arquitetura, mídia de massa, consumismo e um forte sentimento positivo em relação ao progresso técnico. Apesar disso, o Brasil ainda é uma nação voltada para o Atlântico, não para a América hispânica. Os brasileiros não são hispânicos. Alguns podem ser ofendidos se um visitante diz abertamente que, ou tende a acreditar que os brasileiros têm o espanhol como uma língua primária ou secundária, os visitantes receberão uma recepção mais quente se eles tentam iniciar conversas em português, mas mesmo se o visitante fala espanhol para com os brasileiros , Eles provavelmente responderão em português. Os contrastes neste enorme país igualmente fascina e choca a maioria dos visitantes, especialmente os europeus, bem como a indiferença de muitos locais para os problemas sociais, económicos e ecológicos. Enquanto uma elite emergente de profissionais jovens e bem-educados se entrega às comodidades da sociedade moderna, o trabalho infantil, o analfabetismo e condições de habitação subumanas ainda existem mesmo em regiões abençoadas pelo crescimento econômico e grandes investimentos estrangeiros como São Paulo ou Rio. Por mais que os brasileiros reconheçam sua auto-sustentabilidade nas matérias-primas, agricultura e fontes de energia como um enorme benefício para o futuro, a maioria concorda que sem grandes esforços na educação dificilmente haverá uma saída para a pobreza e o subdesenvolvimento. Desde o início do século XXI, o Brasil tem enfrentado uma onda crescente de imigração da China. Bolívia. Colômbia. Peru. Nigéria. Haiti e Angola. O Brasil também tem um número crescente de imigrantes do Oriente Médio. Especialmente da Síria. Clima O Brasil é um país enorme com diferentes zonas climáticas. No norte. Perto do equador há um molhado e uma estação seca de aproximadamente So Paulo para baixo ao sul há springsummerfallwinter. O tempo muda constantemente e às vezes é uma surpresa. Pode ser escaldante quente, em seguida, ferver para baixo, e ficar muito frio. Poderia ser ensolarado 1 minuto, e começar a chover no segundo minuto. O clima quente é perfeito para a praia e jogar fora. Feriados e horário de trabalho O Brasil observa os seguintes 13 feriados nacionais. Segunda-feira Santa e terça-feira são os feriados reais, mas as celebrações começam geralmente no sábado e último até 12PM da quarta-feira de cinzas, quando as lojas e os serviços reabrem.) Sexta-feira Santa - Marchápril dois dias antes do Domingo de Páscoa Tiradentes - 21 de abril Dia do Trabalho - 1º de maio Corpus Christi - MayJune (móvel) sessenta dias após Domingo de Páscoa Dia da Independência - 7 de setembro Patrona do Brasil - 12 de outubro República - 15 de Novembro Natal - 25 de Dezembro As horas de trabalho são geralmente das 08:00 ou 09:00 às 17:00 ou 18:00. Os bancos abrem de segunda a sexta-feira, das 10: 00h às 16: 00h. Lojas de rua tendem a fechar ao meio-dia no sábado e só reabrir na segunda-feira. Centros comerciais normalmente abertos 10: 00-22: 00, de segunda a sábado, e 15: 00-21: 00 aos domingos. Alguns shoppings, especialmente nas grandes cidades, também estão abertos aos domingos, embora nem todas as lojas possam estar abertas. Também é possível encontrar lojas de 24 horas e pequenos mercados que estão abertos mesmo aos domingos. Eletricidade O Brasil é um dos poucos países que usa 110 e 220 volts para aparelhos diários. Espere que a tensão mude de um lado para o outro, mesmo dentro do mesmo estado brasileiro, às vezes dentro do mesmo edifício. Não há diferença física nas saídas elétricas (rede elétrica) para as duas tensões. Embora o Brasil tenha seu próprio tipo de tomada elétrica, quase ninguém o usa. As tomadas elétricas geralmente aceitam tampas planas (norte-americanas) e redondas (européias). Caso contrário, adaptadores de lâminas planas para pinos redondos são fáceis de encontrar em qualquer supermercado ou loja de ferragens. Algumas saídas são muito estreitas para os plugues alemães Schuko. A melhor solução improvisada é comprar uma conexão T barata e forçar apenas o Schuko, o T quebrará, mas funcionará. Muito poucas tomadas têm um ponto de terra, e alguns não podem aceitar os plugues polarizados norte-americanos mais novos, onde um pino é ligeiramente maior. Novamente, use o barato T. Perto da fronteira com a Argentina. Você ocasionalmente poderá encontrar tomadas para o plugue AustraliaNew Zealand-type. Se cruzar a fronteira, você provavelmente precisará deste adaptador também. Em 20092010, a IEC 60906-1 foi introduzida no Brasil e alguns edifícios mais novos já o possuem. É compatível com o Europlug, mas tem uma tomada receded. Novamente, T-plugs podem ser usados ​​como adaptadores para outros formatos comuns. A freqüência é 60Hz, que pode perturbar 50Hz relógios elétricos. Blackouts são cada vez menos frequentes, mas você sempre correr um risco no auge da alta temporada em pequenas cidades turísticas. Regiões Editar Brasil tem muitas cidades excitantes, desde belas cidades coloniais e esconderijos costeiros até metrópoles agitadas e animadas. São alguns dos destinos de viagem mais proeminentes: Braslia - A capital do Brasil e um espetáculo arquitetônico. Os edifícios notáveis ​​incluem uma catedral em forma de cesto, o belo Palácio dos Arcos (sede do Ministério da Justiça) e outros. Florianópolis - A cidade está localizada em uma ilha no Oceano Atlântico, no sul de Santa Catarina, com lagos, lagoas, natureza incrível e mais de 40 praias limpas, bonitas e naturais. Principal destino para os argentinos durante os meses de verão. Fortaleza - A quinta maior cidade do Brasil, abençoada com belas praias. Casa do mercado de rua de Iracema Beach. Uma boa base para explorar as praias do litoral nordestino, incluindo Jericoacoara. Famosa pela música forr e comediantes. Manaus - Localizado no coração da Amazônia, é a capital do Estado do Amazonas e é também a maior cidade da Amazônia. Em Manaus os rios Negro e Solimés se reúnem para se tornar o rio Amazonas. O melhor lugar para visitar a floresta amazônica. É uma porta de entrada para o Anavilhanas e Ja Parque Nacional. Porto Alegre - uma grande cidade entre Argentina e So Paulo e porta de entrada para os fabulosos Green Canyons do Brasil. Recife - Uma cidade na região Nordeste, originalmente colonizada por colonizadores holandeses. Apelidado de A Veneza brasileira, é construído em várias ilhas ligadas por muitas pontes. Rico em história, arte e folclore. Não perca os vizinhos Olinda e Porto de Galinhas. A cidade é também uma porta de entrada para o incrível arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha. Rio de Janeiro - Cidade famosa mundialmente, bonita que recebe os visitantes com uma grande estátua de um Jesus de braços abertos no topo da colina do Corcovado. Salvador - A primeira capital do Brasil abriga uma mistura única de culturas indígenas, africanas e européias. Sua diversão de Carnaval é famosa, ea influência da cultura e religião africanas é notável. São Paulo - A cidade mais grande, mais rica e cosmopolita do Brasil, onde você pode encontrar fortes influências de várias etnias, incluindo italiano, coreano, japonês, alemão, russo, caribe, grego e árabe. Outros destinos Editar Vista aérea da Amazônia Amazônia - passeios pela selva, vida selvagem, madeira flutuada, os mistérios da Amazônia Chapada Diamantina Parque Nacional Chapada dos Veadeiros 8212 cerrado (savana tropical) vida selvagem e cachoeiras impressionantes Fernando de Noronha 8212 paraíso tropical na ilha Meio do Oceano Atlântico, é protegida como um Parque Nacional Marinho desde 1997 e um Patrimônio Mundial Ilha Grande - uma bela ilha brasileira, a cerca de 150 km do Rio de Janeiro Cataratas do Iguaçu 8212 mundialmente famosas cachoeiras Ilha do Maraj - uma ilha no Boca do rio Amazonas Ilha do Mel - área ecológica protegida na costa de Paraná, apresenta as mais belas praias deste estado. De lá, outras duas ilhas podem ser alcançadas: Superagi e Ilha das Peas, ambas parte do Parque Nacional do Superagi (Patrimônio Natural da UNESCO). Lenis Maranhenses Pantanal 8212 o maior pantanal do mundo hospeda muitos ecoturismo e vasta biodiversidade, incluindo caiman, jaguar, anaconda, anteater gigante, primatas, lontra gigante e piranha Itacare Uma incrivelmente bela cidade de pesca e surf na costa do sul da Bahia onde O Rio Contas e a floresta tropical encontram-se com o Oceano Atlântico. Famosa por ter algumas das melhores praias de surf do Brasil e por suas plantações de cacau, o ingrediente bruto para fazer chocolate. Editar requisitos de visto O Brasil tem uma política de vistos recíprocos com todos os países, o que significa que sempre que os preços e restrições são aplicados a brasileiros que visitam um país, o Brasil adota as mesmas medidas para os visitantes do país. Os cidadãos da Argentina, Bolívia, Chile, Colômbia, Equador, Paraguai, Peru e Uruguai podem entrar no país com um cartão de identidade válido e permanecer até 90 dias. Os cidadãos venezuelanos podem entrar no país com um cartão de identidade válido e permanecer até 60 dias. Não são necessários vistos para estadias de até 90 dias a partir dos titulares de passaportes desses países, salvo indicação em contrário: Andorra, Argentina, Áustria, Bahamas, Barbados, Bélgica, Bolívia, Bulgária, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Dinamarca, Equador, Espanha, Estónia, Finlândia, França, Grécia, Guatemala, Guiana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungria, Islândia, Irlanda, Israel, Itália, Letónia, Liechtenstein, Lituânia, Marrocos, Malásia, México, Noruega, Nova Zelândia, Países Baixos, Noruega, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, Filipinas, Polónia, Portugal, Roménia, Rússia, São Marinho, Singapura (30 dias) África do Sul, Espanha, Suriname, Suécia, Suíça, Tailândia, Trinidad e Tobago, Tunísia, Turquia, Reino Unido (incluindo os detentores de passaportes do Reino Unido), Uruguai, Venezuela (60 dias) e Cidade do Vaticano. Observe que o oficial de imigração tem o direito de restringir seu visto para menos de 90 dias, se ele julgar adequado. (Isso é feito rotineiramente para viajantes solitários que chegam em Fortaleza, alegadamente para combater o turismo de prostituição.) Ele então irá indicar o número de dias (por exemplo, 60 ou 30) na escrita da caneta dentro do selo apenas dado no seu passaporte se não, ele Permanece como 90 dias. Além disso, de 1 de junho a 18 de setembro de 2016, por ocasião dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paraolímpicos no Rio de Janeiro, os cidadãos da Austrália, Canadá, Japão e Estados Unidos ficarão isentos de visto para estadias não superiores a 90 dias para o turismo só . (Esta isenção não exige que os viajantes assistam aos Jogos Olímpicos.) 1 Os cidadãos de todos os outros países (lista completa 2) exigem um visto. As taxas variam dependendo da reciprocidade: por exemplo, os cidadãos americanos têm de pagar US160 para um turista ou visto de negócios. A partir de fevereiro de 2015, os cidadãos do Canadá devem esperar pagar pelo menos CDN97.50 por um visto de turista, não incluindo qualquer manipulação ou taxas de processamento. Custo do visto Brasil para os cidadãos de Taiwan ou titular do passaporte Taiwan 20 pagar (Referência da Embaixada do Brasil em Lima, Peru) e 5 dias para processar. A reciprocidade, no entanto, também se aplica com freqüência para validade de visto: os cidadãos dos EUA podem ser concedidos vistos válidos até 10 anos e, da mesma forma, os cidadãos canadenses para até 5. O processo de visto é particularmente tedioso para os cidadãos dos EUA e atenção especial deve ser paga. Existem vários consulados no país, mas você deve aplicar para o consulado que abrange a sua jurisdição. You must submit a copy of your ID or a utility bill as proof of residence even if that is not listed anywhere. Visa sections do not accept telephone calls and you may have to email them in advance to clarify any specific situation. For a tourist visa, you MUST submit a copy of your plane ticket or reservation, a photo, and your signature. As of Dec 2015, you need to upload the photo and the signature online and the files must have specific sizes. The photo needs to have a 1.5 x 2 ratio or it would not upload. Each consulate will list the processing time, unless there is a life-or-death emergency, they would not process your application sooner than stated. The consulate would not even notify an applicant if documents are missing. If you do not have all the documents, your application will be denied, fee will be charged, and processing time starts from 0. Apply 2 to 3 months in advance or go in person if possible. Tourist visas (including those granted on the spot in immigration control, as for most Europeans) can be extended at any office of the Policia Federal . All state capitals, and most border towns and international ports have one. Tourist visas only be extended once, for a maximum of 90 days, and under no circumstances can you be granted more than 180 days with a tourist visa for any 365-day period. You should contact the federal police about 1 week before your visa expires. The handling fee is currently R 67 (Oct. 2008). You may be asked for an outbound ticket (book a fully refundable one on the internet, then cancel when your visa is extended), and a proof of subsistance (for which your credit card is mostly accepted.) In order to apply for the extension, you must fill out the Emisso da Guia de Recolhimento on the Federal Police website, which you will carry to the Banco do Brasil in order to pay the fee. Do not pay the fee until you have spoken with a federal police officer about your case. If shehe denies the extension of your visa, you must have a bank account in Brazil in order to receive a refund. The requirement to first enter Brazil within 90 days of the issue of a visa now only applies to nationals of Angola, Bahrain, Burma, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Libya, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, The Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Syria, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and Tunisia. Failure to enter Brazil within 90 days will invalidate the visa, no matter how long it is otherwise valid for. Entry vs. exit stamps Immediately after your passport is stamped by the Brazilian Federal Police, ensure that the last number on the right-end of the stamp is an odd number. A number 1 (air)3 (boat)5 (carbus) indicates that you entered the country and a number 246 indicates that you exited. Some federal police officers have mistakenly given foreigners the even number stamp upon entering. If you have the even number stamp and try to extend the visa in a city that is not your port of entry, you will be told to return to the city where you received the incorrect stamp so that it may be corrected before you can receive the extension. By law you are required to produce your outbound ticket upon entry, but this is only enforced in exceptional cases. Even if you are asked, you could often get away with explaining that you are taking the bus to Argentina, and couldnt buy the ticket in, say, Europe. If you overstay your tourist visa, you will be fined R8.28 per day (as of October 2007), for a maximum of 100 days. This means that even if you stay illegally for 5 years, the fine will never exceed R828. You will be made to pay this at the border crossing. As this can take time, it could be wise to do it a few days up front at a federal police office, especially if you have a domestic to international flight connection. The federal police will then give you 8 days to get out of the country. If you dont pay your fine upon exiting, you will have to pay the next time you enter. The fact that you have been fined for overstaying in the past does not normally imply future difficulties with immigration, but youd better keep all receipts and old passports for reference. If you want to enterexit the country for some reason without coming in contact with the immigration authorities, there are numerous tiny border towns that have virtually no control. You will perhaps be told by the local police (who dont have stamps or computer registers for immigration) to contact the federal police in such and such nearby town. When you are travelling from certain tropical regions to Brazil you need a yellow fever vaccination and the certificate showing you had this. Note that it is illegal to bring in animals, meat, dairy, seeds, plants, eggs, honey, fruit, or any kind of non-processed food without a permit. Contact vigiagroagricultura. gov. br for more information. By plane Edit Your legal rights and duties as an air passenger under Brazilian law Free check-in baggage allowance . On international flights departing from Brazil, all passengers are entitled to check-in at least 2 bags (each weighing up to 32 kg) free of charge. On domestic flights within Brazil (on aircraft with more than 31 seats), all passengers are entitled to check-in bags that weigh up to 23kg in total free of charge. ID requirements . On domestic flights within Brazil, foreign nationals must present a valid passport at check-in and the boarding gate alternatively, a national identity carddiplomatic credentials may be accepted based on agreements between Brazil and the issuing country. On international flights, foreign nationals must present a valid passport (and visa for the destination country if required) alternatively, a national identity carddiplomatic credentials may be accepted based on agreements between Brazil and the issuing country. Assistance from your airline in the event of a flight delay, cancellation or refused boarding . 1 hour waiting time - free communication (e. g. phone calls, internet etc) 2 hours waiting time - free communication snacks water 4 hours waiting time - free communication snacks water accommodation transportation tofrom accommodation (plus the option to reroute or obtain a refund if desired) For more information: Passenger Guide by the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) . The cheapest airfares are from February (after Carnaval) to May and from August to November. Tickets from New York. for instance, can cost as little as US699 including taxes. Many undersubscribed flights within Brazil can be had for bargain prices. By far the largest international airport in Brazil is So Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport (IATA. GRU ICAO. SBGR ), the hub of TAM airlines 3. which has direct flights to many capital cities in South America. Other direct flights include: The second largest airport in Brazil is Rio de Janeiro-Galeo International Airport . (IATA. GIG ICAO. SBGL ) the home of Gol Transportes Areos 4. which flies to many regional destinations including Santiago. Buenos Aires and Asuncion. Other direct flights include: From Oceania there are services avaible to Brazil through connections in intermediate stops: Sydney and Auckland are served by LAN Airlines with a connection in Santiago. Qantass direct flight from Sydney to Santiago has codeshare agreements with LAN and TAM Airlnes making it possible to get a connection to Brazil there. South African Airways links Perth and Sydney to Brazil via Johannesburg. Sydney. Melbourne. Perth and Auckland are served by Emirates via Dubai. Sydney is also served by Ethiad Airways via Abu Dhabi. The Northeastern capitals have slightly shorter flying times to Europe and North America: In addition to the above, TAP flies directly to Salvador. Brasilia. Belo Horizonte. Campinas. Porto Alegre. TAP Portugal 5 is the foreign airline with most destinations in Brazil, from Lisbon and Porto. and provides extensive connection onwards to Europe and Africa. American Airlines has flights from Miami to Manaus. Curitiba. Porto Alegre. Braslia. Belo Horizonte and Salvador. Copa Airlines flies from its hub in Panama City to Belo Horizonte. Braslia. Porto Alegre and Manaus. provinding a wide range of destinations in North America, Central America and the Caribbean. Air travel in Brazil has increased exponentially in the past few years, partly as a result of the poor condition of many Brazilian roads(qv)and the absence of any viable railroad network (cf India). It is still relatively inexpensive with bargains sometimes available and easily the best option for long distance travel within the country. Some major aiports, particularly those in Sao Paulo and Rio, are, however, becoming very congested. By car Edit The main border crossings are at: In certain border towns, notably Foz do Iguau Ciudad del Este Puerto Iguazu. you do not need entryexit stamps or other formalities for a daytrip into the neighbouring country. These same towns are good venues if you for some reason want to cross without contact with immigration authorities. By bus Edit Long-distance bus services connect Brazil to its neighboring countries. The main capitals linked directly by bus are Buenos Aires. Asuncin. Montevideo. Santiago de Chile. and Lima. Direct connections from the first three can also be found easily, but from Lima it might be tricky, though easily accomplished by changing at one of the others. Those typically go to So Paulo. though Pelotas has good connections too. It should be kept in mind that distances between So Paulo and any foreign capitals are significant, and journeys on the road may take up to 3 days, depending on the distance and accessibility of the destination. The national land transport authority has listings6 in Portuguese on all operating international bus lines. Online tickets around the country can be found at several websites like Guiche Virtual7. brasilbybus8. Chegue. L9. Embarcou10 and NetViagem11. Green Toad Bus 12 offers bus passes between Brazil and neighbouring countries as well as around Brazil itself. By boat Edit Amazon river boats connect northern Brazil with Peru, Venezuela and Colombia. The ride is a gruelling 12 days upriver though. From French Guiana. you can cross the river Oyapoque . which takes about 15 minutes. By train Edit Train service within Brazil is almost nonexistent. However, there are exceptions to the rule, including the Trem da Morte . or Death Train, which goes from Santa Cruz. Bolivia. to a small town just over the border from Corumb in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. There is still a train line from there all the way to So Paulo which at the moment is not in use, but bus connections to So Paulo via the state capital, Campo Grande. are plentiful. The journey itself is reputedly replete with robbers who might steal your backpack or its contents but security has been increased recently and the journey can be made without much difficulty. It goes through the Bolivian agricultural belt and along the journey one may see a technologically-averse religious community which resembles the USAs Amish in many ways. Get around Edit By plane Edit Brazil Air Pass If you intend to visit various cities within Brazil, you should consider getting a Brazil Air Pass, offered by TAM or Gol8212 you purchase between 4 and 9 flight tickets which can be used at any time for any destination within Brazil served by the airline. A typical 4-ticket pass starts at around US580 while a full 9 tickets will run around US1150. In addition, Gol also offers a cheaper flight pass good for travel only within the Northeast of the country. These passes can only be obtained before arrival in the country, and you must prove that you have already purchased international return trip tickets or tickets for onward travel. Air service covers most of Brazil. Note that many flights make many stops en route, particularly in hubs as So Paulo or Brasilia. Most airports with regular passenger traffic are operated by the federal Infraero .13. They have a very convenient website, with an English version. It lists all the airlines operating at each airport, and also has updated flight schedules. There are now several Brazilian booking engines that are good (although not perfect) for comparing flights and prices between different companies. They will mostly include an extra fee, hence it is cheaper to book on the airlines own site. The Brazilian airline scene completely changed at least twice over the last 10 years or so. The largest carriers are now TAM14 and Gol 15. which share more than 80 of the domestic market between them. The traditional Varig is now just another brand of Gol. Others include WebJet 16. Avianca 17. and Azul 18. TRIP 19 has short-haul flights to smaller airports throughout the country, and Pantanal 20 and Puma 21 are growing in the same segment. Portuguese TAP 22 has a few domestic code shares with TAM. There are also a number of regional companies, such as NHT 23 (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina ). Price differences, at least if a ticket is purchased on the internet well in advance, are so small that its rather meaningless to call any of these low cost, although WebJet and Azul have lately been a notch cheaper for domestic flights. Booking on the domestic carriers sites can be frustrating for non-Brazilian citizens. Often, you will be asked for your CPF (national identity number) while paying by credit card. Even if you - as a foreigner - have a CPF, the sites will often not recognize it. Gol now accepts international cards, but the system is buggy (Oct.2010). One trick that might work is to visit one of the airlines foreign websites, although prices may vary. Many flights can also be found on foreign booking engines where no CPF is needed. If you book weeks in advance, most carriers will give you the option to pay by bank deposit ( boleto bancrio ), which is actually payable by cash not only in banks, but also in a number of supermarkets, pharmacies and other stores. Buying a ticket at a travel agent is generally R 30 more expensive, noting that certain special offers only can be found online. Be aware that many domestic flights have so many stops that some, including yours, may be missing from the listings in the airports. Double check your flight number and confirm with ground staff. Certain domestic flights in Brazil are international, meaning that the flight has arrived from abroad and is continuing without clearing all passengers through customs and immigration. This means ALL passengers must do this at the next stop, even those having boarded in Brazil. Do NOT fill out a new immigration form, but show what you were given upon actual arrival to Brazil. By car Edit The SP-160, or Rodovia dos Imigrantes Brazil has the largest road network in Latin America with over 1.6 million kilometres. A car is a good idea if you want to explore scenic areas, e. g. the historic cities of Minas Gerais, the Rio-Santos highway, or the beaches in North-East Brazil. There are the usual car rental companies at the airports. Many roads are in good condition, especially in the east and south of the country and along the coast. In other areas and outside the metropolitan regions there are also gravel and dirt roads for which an off-road vehicle can be strongly recommended. This especially applies to the Amazon area where many roads are difficult or not at all passable during the rainy season from November to March. This is why it is advisable to travel with a good map and to be well informed about distances, road conditions and the estimated travel time. Road maps of the brand Guia 4 Rodas (can be bought from most newsstands in Brazil) provide not only maps and distances but also information about current conditions of the roads. Cochera andina 24 publishes useful information on almost 300 routes in the country. In theory, the driving rules of Brazil resemble those of Western Europe or North American. In practice, driving in Brazil can be quite scary if you are used to European (even Mediterranean) or North American road culture, due to widespread violations of driving rules, and the toleration thereof. Distances kept to other vehicles are kept at a bare minimum, overtaking whenever close to possible, and changing lanes without much of a prior signal. Many large cities also suffer from hold-ups when you wait at a red light in the night. Even if there is no risk of robbery, many drivers (including of city buses) run red lights or stop signs at night when they do not see incoming traffic from the cross street. Drivers also indulge in creative methods of saving time, such as using the reverse direction lanes. In rural areas, many domestic animals are left at the roadside, and they sometimes wanders into the traffic. Pedestrians take enormous chances crossing the road, since many drivers do not bother to slow down if they see pedestrians crossing. The quality of the paving is very varied, and the presence of enormous potholes is something that strongly discourages night-driving. Also consider the risk of highway hold-ups after dark, not to mention truck drivers on amphetamines (to keep awake for days in a row). In Brazil cars are driven on the right hand side of the road. A flashing left signal means that the car ahead is warning you not to pass, for some reason. If the car ahead of you wants to show you that it is safe to pass it will flash the right signal. The right signal is the same signal to indicate that youre going to stop on the side of the road, so it means youre going to slow down. On the other hand the left signal is the same signal to indicate youre going to pass the car ahead, meaning youre going to speed up. Flashing, twinkling headlights from the cars coming on the opposite side of the road means caution on the road ahead. Most of the time, it indicates that there are animals, cops or speed radar ahead. Keep the doors locked when driving, especially in the larger cities, as robberies at stop signs and red lights are quite common in some areas. Youll make it much easier for the robber if he can simply open up the door and sit down. Be equally careful with keeping your windows wide open, as someone might put their hands inside your car and steal a wallet, for instance. Leave your handbags and valuables out of sight. By bicycle Edit In smaller cities and towns the bicycle is a common means of transport. This does not mean that cyclists are usually respected by cars, trucks, or bus drivers. But you may find good roads with little traffic outside the cities. It is also easy to get a lift by a pickup or to have the bike transported by a long-distance bus. Cycling path are virtually non-existent in cities, except along certain beachfronts, such as Rio de Janeiro and Recife. There are a bicyclers groups around the country, e. g Sampa Bikers 25 in Sao Paulo which meets weekly. By train Edit Regional rail system in So Paulo Brazils railway system was mostly wrecked during the military regimes. Today there are few passenger lines left: The Serra Verde Express 26 from Curitiba to Paranagu. This scenic 150 km long railroad links the capital of Paran to the coastal cities of Morretes and Paranagu. through the beautiful Serra do Mar mountains covered with mata atlntica forest. The trip takes about 3 hours and has bilingual guides. Trains leave daily at 08:15 and prices start from about R 50 (round-trip) - see CuritibaGetout for more information. From So Joo del Rei to Tiradentes - This 35-minute trip on a steam train is almost like time travel. The train operates Fri-Sun, with departures from So Joo at 10:00 and 15:00 and 13:00 and 17:00 from Tiradentes. The round trip costs R 16. From Belo Horizonte to Vitria - Daily trains operated by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce 27 leave Belo Horizonte at 07:30 and Vitria at 07:00. Travel time is about twelve and a half hours. Tickets are sold at the train stations and a single 2nd class fare costs about R 25. Seats are limited and it is not possible to reserve, so it is advisable to buy in advance. From So Luis to Parauapebas - interesting because part of it passes through the Amazon rainforest. From Macap to Serra do Navio From Campinas to Jaguariuna. Part of the old Ferrovia Mogiana, which was built to facilitate coffee exports in the late 19th and early 20th century. Entertaining guides. Only at weekends and holidays. Some steam trains. Inexpensive. About 1 hr each way. By inter-city bus Edit Long-distance buses are a convenient, economical, and sometimes (usually if you buy the most expensive ticket), rather comfortable way to travel between regions. The bus terminal ( rodoviria ) in cities play a role akin to train stations in many countries. You should check travel distance and time while traveling within Brazil, going from Rio de Janeiro to the south region could take more than 24 hours, so it may worth going by plane if you can afford it. Brazil has a very good long distance bus network. Basically, any city of more than 100,000 people will have direct lines to the nearest few state capitals, and also to other large cities within the same range. Pretty much any little settlement has public transport of some kind (a lorry, perhaps) to the nearest real bus station. Mostly you have to go to the bus station to buy a ticket, although most major bus companies make reservations and sell tickets by internet with the requirement that you pick up your ticket sometime in advance. In a few cities you can also buy a ticket on the phone and have it delivered to your hotel for an extra charge of some 3-5 reais. Some companies have also adopted the airlines genius policy of pricing: In a few cases buying early can save you more than 50. The facility of flagging a bus and hopping on (if there are no available seats you will have to stand, still paying full price) is widespread in the country. This is less likely to work along a few routes where armed robberies have happened frequently, such as those leading to the border with Paraguay and to Foz do Iguau. There is no one bus company that serves the whole country, so you need to identify the company that connect two cities in particular by calling the bus station of one city. ANTT, the national authority for land transportation, has a search engine 28 (in Portuguese) for all available domestic bus lines. Be aware that some big cities like So Paulo and Rio have more than one bus station, each one covering certain cities around. It is good to check in advance to which bus station you are going. Another website which you can check the time, prices and buy tickets online is BuscaOnibus 29. Many times you need a CPF number to buy tickets, but recently BrasilbyBus and ClickBus now cater to tourist without the CPF number. Bus services are often sold in three classes: Regular, Executive and First-Class ( Leito . in Portuguese). Regular may or may not have air conditioning. For long distances or overnight travels, Executive offers more space and a folding board to support your legs. First-Class has even more space and only three seats per row, making enough space to sleep comfortably. Cheaper seats sometimes sell out fast, so it is worth making the trip early to the Rodoviaria or buy online. All trips of more than 4 hours are covered by buses with bathrooms and the buses stop for foodbathrooms at least once every 4 hours of travel. Brazilian bus stations, known as rodoviria or terminal rodovirio . tend to be located away from city centers. They are often in pretty sketchy areas, so if you travel at night be prepared to take a taxi tofrom the station. There will also be local bus lines. Even if you have a valid ticket bought from elsewhere, some Brazilian bus stations may also require a boarding card. This can be obtained from the bus company, often for a supplement fee. If you buy a ticket in the departure bus station you will also be given this boarding card. Rodovirias include many services, including fast-food restaurants, cafs, Internet cafs, toilets and left luggage. As a general rule, the larger the city, the more expensive the services (e. g. leaving a suitcase as left luggage in a smaller city may cost 1 R, but in Recife in might cost you 5 R). When buying tickets, as well as when boarding the bus, you may be asked for proof of ID. Brazilian federal law requires this for interstate transportation. Not all conductors know how to read foreign passports, so be prepared to show them that the name of the passport truly is the same as the name on the ticket. By city bus Edit Most cities have extensive bus services. Multiple companies may serve a single city. There is almost never a map of the bus lines, and often bus stops are unmarked. Be prepared for confusion and wasted time. Buses have a board behind the windshield that advertises the main destinations they serve. You may have to ask the locals for information, but they may not know bus lines except the ones they usually take. In most cities you have to wave to stop the bus when you want to take it. This in itself would no pose a problem, however, in big cities there may be dozens of bus lines stopping at a given bus stop and bus stops are not designed to accommodate so many vehicles. Frequently one cannot observe the oncoming buses due to other buses blocking the view. Bus drivers are reluctant to slow down for a bus stop if they are not sure someone will take their bus, so it is common to miss your bus because you could not see it coming to wave on time or the driver did not see you waving in between buses already at the stop. Some people go into the middle of a busy street to wait for their bus to make sure they see it and the driver sees them. In some places, like Manaus, drivers even tend to ignore stop requests (both to get on and to get off) if it is not too easy to navigate to the bus stop. Most city buses have both a driver and a conductor. The conductor sits behind a till next to a turnstile. You have to pay the conductor, the price of the bus is usually advertised on the windshield. The turnstiles are narrow, and very inconvenient if one carries any kind of load (try balancing a heavy backpack over the turnstile while the bus is running). Larger buses often have a front section, before the turnstile, meant in priority for the elderly, handicapped and pregnant women - you can use it but you still have to pay Typical prices are around R 3,00. You can try asking the conductor to warn you when the bus is close to your destination. Depending on whether he or she understands you and feels like helping you, you may get help. In addition to large city buses, there are often minibuses or minivans ( alternativo ). You pay the driver when you go aboard. By boat Edit In the Amazon region as well as on the coast west of Sao Luis, boat travel is often the only way to get around. Brazilians use a lot of gestures in informal communication, and the meaning of certain words or expressions may be influenced by them. The thumbs up gesture is used to mean everythings OK . yes or even thanks . Avoid using the OK hand gesture for these meanings, as it can be considered obscene. Wagging your extended index finger back and forth andor clicking your tongue behind your teeth two or three times means no Using your index finger to pull down one of your lower eyelids can mean watch out . keeping an eye on or not a fool depending on context. Stroking your two biggest fingers with your thumb is a way of referring to money or saying something is expensive . Snapping a few times can mean fast . a long time ago or a lot depending on context. Stroking your lips and then snapping means delicious pinching your earlobe means the same in some regions. Making a fist with your thumb between the index and middle finger, known as the figa . is a sign of good or bad luck depending on the region. Touching the palm with the thumb and making a circular movement with the hand in some regions can mean robbery . rip off . bribery or corruption depending on context. The hush gesture is considered extremely impolite, about the same as shouting shut up to someone. An informal way to get someones attention, similar to a whistle, is a hissing sound: pssiu It is not perceived as unpolite, but gets really annoying if repeated more than twice. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. spoken by the entire population (except for a few, very remotely located tribes). Indeed, Brazil has had immigrants from all parts of the world for centuries, whose descendants now speak Portuguese as their mother tongue. Brazilian Portuguese has a number of pronunciation differences with that spoken in Portugal (and within, between the regions there are some quite extreme accent and slang differences), but speakers of either can understand each other. However, European Portuguese (Luso) is more difficult for Brazilians to understand than the reverse, as many Brazilian television programs are shown in Portugal. Notice that a few words can have a totally different meaning in Brazil and Portugal, usually slang words. An example of this is Rapariga which in Portugal means young girl, and in Brazil means a prostitute. English is not widely spoken except in some touristy areas. Dont expect bus or taxi drivers to understand English, so it may be a good idea to write down the address you are heading to before getting the cab. In most big and luxurious hotels, it is very likely that the taxi fleet will speak some English. Spanish has some similarity with Portuguese. Brazilian tourists are able to make basic questions and give basic answers when visiting Spain or other Latin American countries and vice-versa. Of course such communication is quite awkward (mainly due to tilded vowels and semivowelization of e and o when being the last vowel of a Portuguese word), so take a phrase book and be prepared for slow communication with a lot of interpretive gestures. Natural wonders Edit Mata Atlantica, Bahia Amazon Rainforest - The Amazon River Basin holds more than half of the worlds remaining rainforest, and over 60 of that lies within the North of Brazil 8212 approximately one billion acres with incredible biodiversity. The region is home to about 2.5 million insect species, over 40,000 plants species, 2200 fish species, and more than 2,000 types of birds and mammals. One in five of all the bird species in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. Atlantic Forest ( Mata Atlntica ) - A region of tropical and subtropical forest which extends along the Atlantic coast of Brazil from Rio Grande do Norte state in the Northeast to Rio Grande do Sul state in the South. The Atlantic Forest has a wide variety of vegetation, including the many tree species such as the iconic araucaria tree in the south or the mangroves of the northeast, dozens of types of bromeliads and orchids, and unique critters such as capivara . The forest has also been designated a World Biosphere Reserve, with a large number of highly endangered species including the well-known marmosets, lion tamarins and woolly spider monkeys. Unfortunately, it has been extensively cleared since colonial times, mainly for the farming of sugar cane and for urban settlements 8212 The remnants are estimated to be less than 10 of the original, and that is often broken into hilltop islands. However, large swaths of it are protected by hundreds of parks, including 131 federal parks, 443 state parks, and 14 municipal parks, most of which are open to visitation. Campos Gerais - With a vast vegetation of grasses and areas of transition between the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, this region offers beautiful scenery of cliffs and canyons, as Jaguaricat Valley, beyond the fifth and the eighth most extensive canyons in the world, which are respectively Guartel and Jaguariava. Jaguariava the canyon is made more beautiful rafting activity in Brazil. Pantanal - A vast tropical wetland expanse, one of the worlds largest. 80 of it lies within the state of Mato Grosso do Sul but it also extends into Mato Grosso (as well as into portions of Bolivia and Paraguay ), sprawling over an area estimated at between 140,000 and 195,000 square kilometers (54,000-75,000 sq mi). 80 of the Pantanal floodplains are submerged during the rainy seasons, nurturing an astonishing biologically diverse collection of aquatic plants and helping support a dense array of animal species. Waterfalls ( Cachoeiras ) - Brazil has an amazing range of impressive waterfalls of all sizes and shapes. Iguau Falls . in eastern Parana. is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world, truly a sight to see. The 353-meter Cachoeira da Fumaa in Bahia s Chapada Diamantina National Park is the countrys second highest waterfall, after the Amazon s almost inaccessible Cachoeira do Araca . Other famous waterfalls include Caracol Falls . in a Rio Grande do Sul state park of the same name near Canela. Itaquira Falls . an easily accessible 168-meter fall near Formosa. Gois. and the gorge at Parque da Cascata near Sete Lagoas. Minas Gerais. Aside from the nationally famous falls, in many parts of the country, particularly the South. Southeast. and Central West regions, you are rarely far from at least one locally-famous, named waterfall worth a short hike. Architecture Edit Colonial architecture - Many cities have reminders of Brazils colonial past, with churches, monasteries, forts, barracks, and other structures still intact. Some of the most concentrated and best-preserved colonial buildings can be found in old gold-mining towns such as Ouro Preto and Tiradentes. but many other cities such as Rio de Janeiro. Petrpolis. Salvador. Recife. Paraty. and Goinia have quite significant colonial centers as well. Oscar Niemeyer works - Niemeyer, Brazils most famous architect, is a modern architectural pioneer who explores the aesthetic impact of reinforced concrete, using curves to create buildings with a unique sense of space. He is most famous for designing many of the buildings when the new capital of Brasilia was built in the 1950s, but his works literally dot the country, with major works in Natal. Joo Pessoa. Recife. Belo Horizonte. Rio de Janeiro. Niteri. So Paulo. Londrina and other locations. Gay Travel Edit Due to its high degree of acceptance and tolerance, gay travel is increasingly popular. Brazil hosted the first gay ball in America in 1754 Nowadays the main lesbian and gay destinations are Rio. which was elected the worlds sexiest destination twice, So Paulo and Braslia. which has the worlds largest Pride Parade, Florianpolis. which is the hippest gay hangout and Recife which is attracting more and more lesbian and gay tourists looking for fun and sun. Carnival Edit The biggest party in the world takes places across the country every year, lasting almost a week in February or early March. It is celebrated in a wide variety of ways, from the giants boneco masks of Olinda and the trios eltricos of Salvador to the massive samba parades of Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo. For a relatively more subdued atmosphere, check out the university-style street party of Ouro Preto or the sporty beach party at Ilha do Mel. Dont forget to make your reservations well in advance New Year Celebrations Edit Every New Years Eve, many Brazilians have a very strong celebration that is believed to give luck. The people in the largest cities usually travel to the coast to see and ever contribute to the fireworks, while dressed in white, which is understood to mean a lucky colour. They all gather flowers to give to the sea as originally the local african groups thought it would please the goddess of the sea, which means they set the flowers on the water and let it float away to where ever the current will take it. These are usually white flowers with a green stem and green leaves. It is a custom that the flowers should be white as the clothing. Some people nest the flowers in a small fishing boat and some simply drop the leaves on the water. It is said this tradition have been constant since it first started. Not everyone does it, but anyone in the area will most likely do it. Beaches Edit Almost the entire coast is lined with fabulous beaches, and the beach lifestyle is a big part of Brazilian culture. Nowhere is that more true than in Rio de Janeiro. with its laidback, flip-flop-footed lifestyle and famous beaches like Ipanema and Copacabana. Beaches in other areas of the country may not have the instant name recognition but are no less amazing. The Northeast has jewels like Jericoacoara. Praia do Futuro. Boa Vista. Porto de Galinhas. and Morro de So Paulo which bring in throngs of travellers, particularly Europeans. Landlocked mineiros go mingle with the rich and famous at Guarapari or dance forr in the sand at Itaunas. while paulistas head for Caragu or Ubatuba. In the South. weekend revelers flock to Ilha do Mel or Balnerio Cambori. while the 42 beaches of Santa Catarina Island draw in thousands of Argentianian tourists every year. Hundreds more beaches lie ready to be explored as well. Volunteer Edit ETIV do Brazil etivdobrasil. org A local NGO amp Non-Profit Organization that offers meaningful volunteer opportunities in a beautiful tropical surf town called Itacar, which is located on the coast of Southern Bahia. ETIV do Brasil offers projects in Youth Development, Environmental Conservation, Teaching English, Animal Welfare and Womens Empowerment. They can also offer housing, Portuguese, Samba and Capoeira classes to volunteers and well as Eco-Adventure tours to the exotic beaches, jungles and waterfalls in and around Itacare. Sports Edit Soccer - Soccer is the talk of the town wherever you are in Brazil, and the country is brimming with great teams and great players. Rio de Janeiro has the world-famous Maracan Stadium . Mineiro in Belo Horizonte. Morumbi Stadium in So Paulo. Arena Grmio and Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre . Volleyball - While soccer is the main sport in Brazil, is very normal to find spaces on the beaches where you can play beach volleyball, but this version of the sport possess a different code of rules than indoor volleyball (for example instead of six players, only two players are allowed to play on each team). International Charter Group: - 30 - Yacht charter and sailing, one of the worlds largest yacht charter companies, can take care of all charter requirements, from bareboat to crewed in the Brazil. Operating from nine offices worldwide (USA, Spain, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Caribbean, Honk Kong and Dubai). Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: One of, if not the most, effective martial arts ever created by the Gracie family of Rio de Janeiro . Olympics - The leading international sporting events will take place August 5 - August 21 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. 6177 athletes will be competing in 306 events in 28 sports. spectator passes can be purchased through the Official Olympic site: rio2016 Brazils unit of currency is the Real (pronounced hay-OW), plural Reais (hay-ICE), abbreviated BRL, or just R. One real is divided into 100 centavos. As an example of how prices are written, R1,50 means one real and fifty centavos. Be careful using credit cards at taxis, gas stations, newsstands and small outlets. Their owners arent so careful about checking employees and technicians who perform maintenance on card machines, so many people have their cards compromised and then over several days have money siphoned off their cards. A safer option is to use cash for small expenses (so you dont need to carry too much - just make sure you only withdraw from bank ATMs) and to go to bigger stores with multiple machines since their managers use to enforce security and checking protocols to prevent scammers from compromising card machines (gas station franchises being a sad exception). If you choose to use your credit card, keep an eye on your statement. Travellers checks can be hard to cash anywhere that does not offer currency exchange. Foreign currency such as US Dollars or Euros can be exchanged at major airports and luxury hotels (although at bad rates), exchange bureaus and major branches of some banks, where you need your passport and your immigration form. Look for an ATM with your creditdebit card logo on it. Large branches of Banco do Brasil (no withdrawal fees for credit cards) usually have one, and most all Bradesco, Citibank, BankBoston, Santander and HSBC machines will work. Banco 24 Horas is a network of ATMs which accept foreign cards (charging R 10 per withdrawal). Withdrawal limits are usually R 700 (Bradesco) or R 1000 (BB, HSBC, B24H), per transaction, and in any case R 1000 per day. The latter can be circumvented by several consecutive withdrawals, choosing different accounts, i. e. credit card, checking, savings. Note that most ATMs do not work or will only give you R 100 after 10 PM. In some smaller towns there is no ATM able to accept foreign cards. Be sure you carry enough cash if you intend to stay far from larger cities. There are many federal regulations for dealings with foreign currency, trading in any currency other than Real in Brazil is illegal, although some places in big cities and bordering towns accept foreign money and many exchange offices operate in a shady area. In addition, exchange offices are almost impossible to find outside of big cities. Currencies other than USD and EUR are hard to exchange and the rates are ridiculous. If you would like to exchange cash at a bank, be prepared to pay a hefty commission. Por exemplo. Banco do Brasil collects US15 for each transaction (regardless of amount). In May 2016 (just 3 months before Rio Olympic Games) Federal Government enacted new taxes over currency exchange: 1.1 for bill (species) transactions and 6.38 for travellers check and credit card ones. Wiring money to Brazil can be done through Western Union 31 transfers to be picked up at a Banco do Brasil branch in most cities, and also quite a few exchange offices. A majority of Brazilian shops now accepts major credit cards. However quite a few online stores only accept cards issued in Brazil, even though they sport the international logo of such cards. It is also very common for credit cards being used like debit card. When you pay using card commonly you will hear the question: Crdito ou dbito (Credit or debit). Using debit card is like paying in cash, the difference is, the cash was in your bank account - not in your wallet. Contactless cards are accepted in Brazil but not widely understood. Merchants are often confused by the concept of entering the transaction amount into their card terminal before presenting the card. If you see a contactless symbol on a merchants card terminal, then it will accept contactless payments, although the chances are that the employee wont know the procedure. By the time they have worked out the procedure, it will have been faster to use chip amp PIN instead. Apple Pay works on contactless card terminals in Brazil, at least for MasterCard, despite not yet being supported for cards issued in Brazil. Some places put signs stating a minimum card value payment. This is illegal. Every commercial establishment that accepts card is required to accept payment regardless of the amount. If the merchant that accepts cards refuses to receive the payment due to the low value, call the police or PROCON (consumer protection agency). It is also illegal to pay change for cents with candies (for example, R 0,05 or R 0,10) without asking the customer in advance. You have the right to refuse the candies and demand true money. Coins are R0.05, R0.10, R0.25, R0.50 and R1. Some denominations have several different designs. Images from the central bank of Brazil 32. And more 33. Bills come in the following denominations: R2. R5. R10 (still a few plastic red and blue around), R20. R 50 and 100. Images from the central bank of Brazil 34. Since 2010 Real bills were redesigned and are replacing old ones. Still, you are likely to find some older bills circulating. Souvenirs Edit Similar to the rest of Latin America, hand-crafted jewelry can be found anywhere. In regions that are largely populated by Afro-Brazilians youll find more African-influenced souvenirs . including black dolls. Havaianas jandals are also affordable in Brazil and supermarkets are often the best place to buy them 8212 small shops usually carry fake ones. If you have space in your bags, a Brazilian woven cotton hammock is a nice, functional purchase as well. Another interesting and fun item is a peteca . a sort of hand shuttlecock used in a traditional game of the same name, similar to volleyball. Shopping Edit Its not a bad idea to pack light and acquire Brazilian clothes within a couple of days of arrival. It will make you less obvious as a tourist. Brazilians have their own sense of style and that makes tourists - especially those in Hawaiian shirts or sandals with socks - stand out in the crowd. Have some fun shopping, and blend in. Store windows will often display a price followed by X 5 or X 10, etc. This is an installment-sale price. The price displayed is the per-installment price, so that, R50 X 10, for example, means 10 payments (typically monthly) of R50 each. Make sure any appliances you buy are either dual voltage or the same as in your home country. Frequency in Brazil is 60Hz, so dont buy electric clocks or non-battery operated motorized items if you live in Europe or countries like Argentina, Australia or New Zealand. Voltage however varies by state or even regions inside the same state. (see Electricity below). Brazilian-made appliances and electronics are usually expensive or of poor quality. All electronics are expensive compared to European or US prices. Brazil uses a hybrid video system called PAL-M. It is NOT at all compatible with the PAL system of Europe and Australia. Television began in black and white using the NTSC system of the USA and Canada, then years later, using PAL for its analogue colour - making PAL-M a totally unique system. Nowadays, most new TV sets are NTSC compatible. However the newly-introduced digital TV standard is not compatible with that of most other countries. Digital video appliances such as DVD players are also compatible with NTSC (all digital colour is the same worldwide), but make sure the DVD region code(s), if any, match your home country (Brazil is part of Region 4). Prices for imported electronic goods can be quite expensive due to high import tax, and the range of domestic electronic gadgets is not very wide. Also, be aware that the term DVD in Brazil is both an abbreviation for the disc itself and for its player, so be specific to avoid confusion. There are plenty of bargains to be had, especially leather goods, including shoes (remember sizes are different though). Clothes in general are a good buy, especially for women, for whom there are many classy items. Street markets, which are common, are also a cheap option, but avoid brand names like Nike - you will pay more and its fake. Dont be afraid to feel an item. If it doesnt feel right, most likely it isnt. Beware of the dreaded Made in China label, and be in mind some Brazilian-made products are less robust than their American or European counterparts. Cuisine Edit Brazils cuisine is as varied as its geography and culture. On the other hand, some may find it an unrefined melange, and everyday fare can be bland and monotonous. While there are some quite unique dishes of regional origin, many dishes were brought by overseas immigrants and have been adapted to local tastes through the generations. Italian and Chinese food in Brazil can often be as baffling as Amazonian fare. Brazils national dish is feijoada . a hearty stew made of black beans, pork (ears, knuckles, chops, sausage) and beef (usually dried). Its served with rice, garnished with collard greens and sliced oranges. Its not served in every restaurant the ones that serve it typically offer it on Wednesdays and Saturdays. A typical mistake made by tourists is to eat too much feijoada upon first encounter. This is a heavy dish 8212 even Brazilians usually eat it parsimoniously. The standard Brazilian set lunch is called prato feito . with its siblings comercial and executivo . Rice and brown beans (in Rio de Janeiro there is only black beans, other types are rare) in sauce, with a small steak. Sometimes farofa, spaghetti, vegetables and French fries will come along. Beef may be substituted for chicken, fish or others. Excellent seafood can be found in coastal towns, especially in the Northeast. Brazilian snacks, lanches (sandwiches) and salgadinhos (most anything else), include a wide variety of pastries. Look for coxinha (deep-fried, batter-coated chicken), empada (a tiny pie, not to be confused with the empanada - empadas and empanadas are entirely different items), and pastel (fried turnovers). Another common snack is a misto quente . a pressed, toasted ham-and-cheese sandwich. Po-de-queijo . a roll made of manioc flour and cheese, is very popular, especially in Minas Gerais state - po-de-queijo and a cup of fresh Brazilian coffee is a classic combination. Regional cuisines Edit Southern - Churrasco is Brazilian barbecue, and is usually served rodizio or espeto corrido (all-you-can-eat). Waiters carry huge cuts of meat on steel spits from table to table, and carve off slices onto your plate (use the tongs to grab the meat slice and dont touch the knife edge with your silverware to avoid dulling the edge). Traditionally, you are given a small wooden block colored green on one side and red on the other. When youre ready to eat, put the green side up. When youre too stuffed to even tell the waiter youve had enough, put the red side up. Rodizio places have a buffet for non-meaty items beware that in some places, the desserts are not considered part of the main buffet and are charged as a supplement. Most churrasco restaurants ( churrascarias ) also serve other types of food, so it is safe to go there with a friend that is not really fond of meat. While churrascarias are usually fairly expensive places (for Brazilian standards) in the North, Central and the countryside areas of the country they tend to be much cheaper then in the South and big cities, where they are frequented even by the less affluent. Black beans stew ( feijao ou feijoada ) is also very popular, particularly in Rio de Janeiro, where most restaurants traditionally serve the dish on Saturdays. It comprises black beans cooked with pork meat accompanied by rice and farofa (manioca flour with eggs) and greens fried with garlic. Mineiro is the miners cuisine of Minas Gerais. based on pork and beans, with some vegetables. Dishes from Gois are similar, but use some local ingredients such as pequi and guariroba . Minas Gerais cuisine if not seen as particularly tasty, has a homely feel that is much cherished. The food of Bahia . on the northeast coast has its roots across the Atlantic in East Africa and Indian cuisine. Coconut, dende palm oil, hot peppers, and seafood are the prime ingredients. Tip: hot (quente) means lots of pepper, cold (frio) means less or no pepper at all. If you dare to eat it hot you should try acaraj (deep fried edible black bean soup) and vatap (prawn-filled roasties). Esprito Santo and Bahia have two different versions of moqueca . a delightful tomato-based seafood stew prepared in a special type of clay pot. Amazonian cuisine draws from the food of the indigenous inhabitants, including various exotic fish and vegetables. There is also a stupendous variety of tropical fruits. Cear s food has a great sort of seafood, and is known to have the countrys best crab. Its so popular that literally every weekend thousands of people go to Praia do Futuro in Fortaleza to eat fried fish and crabs (usually followed by cold beer). In the coastal cities of Paran like Morretes and Antonina. the dish named barreado is served. Its a meat stew thickened with manioc flour and served with slices of banana, slowly cooked for at least 12 hours on hermetically-sealed clay pots. Brazilian cuisine also has a lot of imports: Pizza is very popular in Brazil. In So Paulo, travellers will find the highest rate of pizza parlours per inhabitant in the country. The variety of flavours is extremely vast, with some restaurants offering more than 100 types of pizza. It is worth noting the difference between the European mozzarella and the Brazilian mussarela. They differ in flavor, appearance and origin but buffalo mozzarella (mussarela de bfala) is also often available. The Brazilian mussarela, which tops most pizzas, is yellow in color and has a stronger taste. In some restaurants, particularly in the South, pizza has no tomato sauce. Other dishes of Italian origin, such as macarro (macaroni), lasanha and others are also very popular. Middle-eastern (actually Levantine i. e. mostly Syrian and Lebanese ) food is widely available. Most options offer high quality and a big variety. Some types of middle-eastern food, such as quibe and esfiha have been adapted and are available at snack stands and fast food joints nation-wide. You can also find shawarma (kebabs) stands, which Brazilians call churrasco grego (Greek Barbecue) So Paulos Japanese restaurants serve up lots of tempura, yakisoba, sushi and sashimi. The variety is good and mostly the prices are very attractive when compared to Europe, USA and Japan. Most Japanese restaurants also offer the rodizio or buffet option, with the same quality as if you ordered from the menu. Sometimes, however, it can be quite a departure from the real thing. The same can be said of Chinese food, again with some variations from the traditional. Cheese-filled spring rolls, anyone. Japanese restaurants (or those that offer Japanese food) are much commoner than Chinese and can be found in many Brazilian cities, especially in the state of So Paulo. Restaurants Edit All restaurants will add a 10 service charge on the bill, and this is all the tip a Brazilian will ever pay. It is also what most waiters survive on, but it is not mandatory and you may choose to ignore it, although is considered extremely rude to do it. In some tourist areas you might be tried for extra tip, but you dont need to tip more - Brazilian tourist almost never do it. There are two types of self-service restaurants, sometimes with both options available in one place: all-you-can-eat buffets with barbecue served at the tables, called rodzio . or a price per weight ( por quilo ), very common during lunchtime throughout Brazil. Load up at the buffet and get your plate on the scales before eating any. In the South theres also the traditional Italian galeto, where youre served different types of pasta, salads, soups and meat (mostly chicken) at your table. Customers are allowed by law to visit the kitchen and see how the food is being handled, although its uncommon. Some Brazilian restaurants serve only meals for two. The size of the portions might not say in the menu, so its recommended asking the waiter. Most restaurants of this category allow for a half-serving of such plates ( meia-poro ), at 60-70 of the price. Also, couples at restaurants often sit side-by-side rather than across from each other observe your waiters cues or express your preference when being seated. Fast food is also very popular, and the local takes on hamburgers and hot-dogs (cachorro-quente, translated literally) are well worth trying. Brazilian sandwiches come in many varieties, with ingredients like mayonnaise, bacon, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, corn, peas, raisins, french fries, ketchup, eggs, pickles, etc. Brave eaters may want to try the traditional complete hot dog (just ask for a completo ), which, aside from the bun and the sausage, will include everything on display. The ubiquitous X-Burger (and its varieties X-Salad, X-Tudo, etc.) is not as mysterious as it sounds: the pronunciation of the letter X in Portuguese sounds like cheese, hence the name. Large chains: The fast-food burger chain Bobs is found nationwide and has been around in the country for almost as long as McDonalds. There is also a national fast-food chain called Habibs which despite the name serves pizza in addition to Arabian food (and the founder is a Portuguese migrant, by the way). Recent additions, though not as widespread, are Burger King and Subway. Drink Edit Caipirinha and cachaa bottles Alcohol Edit Brazils national booze is cachaa ( cah-shah-sah . also known as aguardente (burning water) and pinga ), a sugar-cane liquor known to knock the unwary out quite quickly. Mass-produced, industrial cachaa is cheap and has 40 alcohol. Rural, tradicional cachaa made on small distilleries usually has about 20 alcohol, but is highly praised nationwide for its superior taste. This also means its far more costly, but its worth each Real. It can be tried in virtually every bar in the country. Famous producing regions include Minas Gerais. where there are tours of distilleries, and the city of Paraty. Pirassununga is home to Caninha 51, Brazils best-selling brand. Outside Fortaleza there is a cachaa museum ( Museu da Cachaa ) where you can learn about the history of the Ypioca brand. Drinking cachaa straight, or stirring in only a dollop of honey or a bit of lime juice, is a common habit on the Northeast region of the country, but the strength of cachaa can be hidden in cocktails like the famous caipirinha . where it is mixed with sugar, lime juice and ice. Using vodka instead of cachaa is nicknamed caipiroska or caipivodka with white rum, its a caipirssima and with sake its a caipisaque (not in every region). Another interesting concoction is called capeta (devil), made with cachaa, condensed milk, cinnamon, guarana powder (a mild stimulant), and other ingredients, varying by region. If you enjoy fine brandy or grappa, try an aged cachaa . Deep and complex, this golden-coloured spirit is nothing like the ubiquitous clear liquor more commonly seen. A fun trip is to an alambique - a local distillery, of which there are thousands throughout the country - not only will you be able to see how the spirit is made from the raw cane sugar, you will probably also get a better price. Well worth a try is Brazilian whisky Its actually 50 imported scotch - the malt component - and approximately 50 Brazilian grain spirit. Dont be misled by American sounding names like Wall Street. It is not bourbon. While imported alcohol is very expensive, many international brands are produced under license in Brazil, making them widely available, and fairly cheap. You can buy booze in the tax-free after landing at Brazilian airports, but it generally is more expensive than buying it outside the airports. Beer in Brazil has a respectable history because of the German immigrants. Most Brazilian beer brands tend to be way less thick and bitter than German, Danish or English beer. More than 90 of all beer consumed in Brazil is Light Lager type, like Standard American Lager, here called Pilsner, and it is usually drunk very cold (direct from refrigerator). The most popular domestic brands are Brahma . Antarctica . and Skol . Traditional brands include Bohemia . Caracu - a stout - . Original and Serramalte . They are easily found in bars and are worth trying but are usually a little bit more expensive than the popular beers. There are also some national premium and craft beers that are found only in some specific bars and supermarkets if you want to taste a good Brazilian beer, search for Baden Baden . Colorado . Eisenbahn . Petra . Theresopolis . Coruja and others. There are also some international beers produced by national breweries like Heineken and Stella Artois and have a slightly different taste if compared with the original beers. There are two ways of drinking beer in bars: draft or bottled beer. Draft lager beer is called chope or chopp (SHOH-pee), and is commonly served with one inch of foam, but you can make a complaint to the bartender if the foam is consistently thicker than that. In bars, the waiter will usually collect the empty glasses and bottles on a table and replace them with full ones, until you ask him to stop, in a tap charging system. In the case of bottled beer, bottles (350ml, 600ml or 1l) are shared among everyone at the table and poured in small glasses, rather than drunk straight from the bottle. Brazilians like their beer nearly ice-cold - hence, to keep the temperature down, bottles of beer are often kept in an insulated polystyrene container on the table. Rio Grande do Sul is the leading wine production region. There are a number of wine-producing farms that are open to visitors and wine tasting, and wine cellars selling wine and fermented grape juice. One of these farms open to visitors is Salton Winery 31. located in the city of Bento Gonalves. The So Francisco Valley . along the border of the states of Pernambuco and Bahia. is the countrys newest wine-producing region. Brazilian wines are usually fresher, fruitier and less alcoholic than, for instance, French wines. There are also the popular, rot-gut brands like Sangue de Boi . Cano and Santa Felicidade . In Minas Gerais. look for licor de jabuticaba (jabuticaba liquor) or vinho de jabuticaba (jabuticaba wine), an exquisite purple-black beverage with a sweet taste. Jabuticaba is the name of a small grape-like black fruit native to Brazil. Coffee and tea Edit Yellow Catua Coffee, a variety of coffea arabica, town of Manhuau, Minas Gerais StateHello there If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic. I wanted to wait to do my this review until I had some time to go through the actual workouts, use the Body Beast supplements, follow the nutrition plan. and actually see some results. A lot of the reviews out there have been formed by people who havent even done the program and I figured I had no business telling you about it until I logged some experience myself. In this Body Beast review . like the title says 8211 this is a 8220full8221 look at Beachbody8217s new mass gaining workout. So I am going to walk you through everything from the purchase price, nutrition plan, supplements, the and the workouts themselves 8211 to the actual results you can expect. And be sure to read all the way through because there is a warning you need to know about doing Body Beast. So lets get right into it Body Beast Review The Workouts Body Beast comes with 12 wokouts (and three optional workouts) that are a compilation of Sagi Kalev8217s years of experience in the field of natural body building. He combines and simplifies the science behind hypertrophy (muscle growth) into extremely efficient workouts. Each workouts is only 30-50 minutes. Be sure you check out the Body Beast workout schedule here . Basically Sagi has taken the best of old-school body building techniques and combined it with what he calls Dynamic Set Training with Single Sets, Super Sets, Giant Sets, Progressive Sets, Drop Sets, Tempo Sets and every other set you can think of to exhaust the muscle and recruit more muscle fiber for huge gains As for the workouts themselves, the warmups are much shorter than you might be used to so that you can get right down to business. Unlike most heavy lifting routines where you stand around checkin yourself out mirror and comparing yourself to all the other meat heads in the gym8230you wont have time. Like I said, each workout is only 30-50 minutes so depending on the type of set you are doing, you are only going to get an average of a 1 minute break between sets. The workouts can actually be kind of hard to follow because they are quite complex (the onscreen ques help though) and if you have a set of adjustable dumbbells then you might have difficultly keeping up since you will be switching weights quite often. These workouts get you the most bang for your buck when you consider that you can get done in 30-50 minutes what would take most 1.5-2 hours in the gym. Overall Workout Rating: 9.510 Beachbody has actually given you tons of options when it comes to choosing what works for you budget. There are four different Body Beast package options to choose from: The Base DVD kit price is CRAZY LOW coming in at just 39.90. With each upgrade you choose, Beachbody adds a few options for supplements. With the Deluxe, you get the Fuel Shot and Base Shake. With the Ultimate, you get the MAX Creatine and Super Suma in addition to that. By far though the best value as you can plainly see is the Challane Pack. For 140 you get the fitness program and shakeology for 140. Shakeology retails for 130, so you8217re basically getting the dvd8217s for 10. Its a friggin steal I still think they could have done better on the price of the Deluxe and Ultimate packages. Overall Cost Rating: 910 Body Beast Nutrition Plan I actually cover the Body Beast nutrition plan in depth HERE. You can take a look at that to get quite a bit of info. Overall though, Body Beast nutrition is simple and very well put together in the guidebook. It lays out a simple method for calculating your caloric needs to gain mass and in between the BUILD and BULK Phases, you actually recalculate your intake based on your current weight and body fat . In the last phase, the BEAST Phase, you actually operate at a calorie deficit to lean out and see those gains that you have been making. The macronutrient breakdowns are fairly simple to follow. For both the BUILD and BULK phases, you are at a 255025 8211 proteincarbfat ratio. When you switch to the BEAST phase, you run a more conventional breakdown of 403030. I am actually going to follow this plan exactly dispite having such great success with the P90X fat shredder breakdown of 503020. Just like the P90X Nutrition Plan, you have a few options when it comes to tracking your nutrition. You can go the portion route and you can access those portion charts and food lists here in pdf format. Or you can do what I recommend which is track your macronutrients with a program like myfitnesspal. I am all about precision when it comes to nutrition and am a firm beleiver in shooting for the BEST results possible8230not just good results. Thats why I stick to my Shakeology every single day, thats why I press play every day, and thats why I track my macros every single day Of course that doesnt fit everyones style, so be sure to take a look at the portion charts along with the food lists to formulate your own plan of action. If you follow my suggestion of tracking your nutrition, just be sure you are getting in lots of sources of food. For example, dont get all your carbs from just whole wheat bread8230try yams, try oats, try quinoa. You want a variety. When you are bulking there is a tendency to rationalize cheat meals because your goal is to gain weight8230This will only result in added body fat and will not promote healthy, dense muscle gains. You want to be sure that you are sticking to the nutrition plan which includes lean meats, whole grains, fruits veggies, seeds, nuts, and legumes. There are lots of bulking methods out there, but our ultimate goal should be our health and 8220dirty bulking8221 does not in any way promote a healthy lifestyle. In fact it will only make it that much harder to commit to your BEAST phase when you start cutting fat. If you spend 60 days without any restriction on what you allow down the hatch8230that will become habit8230and habits dont die easy. So do yourself a favor a stick to a clean bulking diet. Overall Nutrition Plan Rating 8211 1010 Body Beast Supplements This Body Beast review wouldnt be complete if I didnt address the Beast Supplements. I personally have committed to using all of the Body Beast Supplements that Beachbody offers for the 90 day duration of Body Beast in order to give the fitness program in its entirety a fair review. So here are the supplements and a short description of what they are: Hardcore Base Shake 8211 This is a flavor neutral (no flavor) whey protein. The primary source of protein is whey protein concentrate which is great stuff. They recommend taking it post workout which is what I do. I actually add it to my shakeology shake for breakfast right after my workouts along with the Fuel Shot. It has 18g of protein per serving which is okay8230I would rather see something more in the 22-24g range to be comparable with more popular brands like Optimum Nutrtion, but one thing it has going for it is that there is no artificial flavoring or coloring in it 8211 so its all natural which always gets a thumbs up from me. Fuel Shot 8211 I am actually using this as a recovery drink. Well, like I said, I am mixing it with my Shakeology and the Base Shake after my workout but its a carb rich supplement meant to replenish depleted glycogen stores after an intense workout. With a simple sugar (high glycemic) blend of dextrose and maltodexrin, its the perfect way to fuel your muscles after a Body Beast workout, or any workout for that matter 8211 so long as you earn it. The simple carbs are perfect after an intense workout in order to promote protein synthesis and fuel muscle growth and recovery. This too is a flavorless drink. You could even mix it with some sort of juice. MAX Creatine 8211 This is a simple pillar in the body building and fitness industry which is pure creatine monohydrate. There arent any fillers or any other junk in it8230just quality tested and proven ingredients. I have a list of some creatin frequently asked questions that you can reference HERE if you want more info. Super Suma 8211 A lot of people have no clue what suma is or what a test booster is. Super Suma is made from suma root (Brazilian ginseng) and contains Beachbodys exclusive plant-based enzyme system for enhanced benefits. Use daily to help increase muscle strength, size, and endurance. Now Suma will trigger false positive results on steroid tests so that actually says a lot about how this product might be very effective (no need to worry about the twig and berries shrinking either8230suma is completely natural without the common side effects of steroid or test booster use). This IS NOT a steroid, but a plant sterol. However, our current industry steroid testing protocols are not advanced enough to differentiate between sterols and steroids. So if you are an athlete or military personnel who might be tested for performance enhancing drugs, stay away from Super Suma. But for the rest of us who dont need the sign off8230its time to BEAST UP What do I recommend All of these supplements are high quality and Beachbody has done a phenomenal job of formulating them while remaining true to their standard of 8220no junk8221 meaning no artificial flavor, colors, or fillers. So if you are considering following the Body Beast program to a T, then you could get these supplements. I personally use Beachbody8217s new Performance supplements and Sagi Kalev himself has been using them as well and raves about them here Overall Body Beast Supplements Rating 8211 910 (would have liked to have seen some natural flavoring in the Base Shake and Fuel Shot) My Current Body Beast Results I am actually in week-6 of Body Beast and have put on 16lbs of mass. I started out at about 177lbs at 9 body fat and I am currently at 193lbs and 11.29 body fat. The extra body fat was expected, but I am hoping to be at around 188lbs and 7-8 body fat when I finish out the program. Does the program work. HECK YES IT DOES Its fun, its challenging, it produces the results it says it will so long as you follow the program8230Its worth every penny and I highly recommend Body Beast for anyone looking to pack on some serious muscle If this review was helpful, would you be sure to Like and Share it with others. I really feel like this program can change a lot of lives and if you can help me out by sharing this post, we can change those lives together Its all about paying it forward PS: Be sure to leave your comments and questions below in the 8220reply8221 section. I want to hear what your struggling with or what is working well for you BEAST UP Coach Todd Related Posts BODY BEAST Workout Schedule BODY BEAST Supplements Body Beast Build Chest 038 Tris My Insane X2X Body Beast Hybrid Body Beast Plateau Coach Todd, my husband is a 43 year old welder who is on the road 25 days of the month. He stays in nice hotels (usually with gyms) and food is 100 paid for by the company. He can afford to eat healthy. He is looking at trying to get in shape but he is worried that carrying around weights will be hard when he travels a lot. is there another program better suited to travel He will have to use his laptop to watch videos. Thank you Lorenwelder Head for the sports shop and buy the bands. When I travel, I play the DVD on my laptop in the hotel gym or in my room if its big enough. I take the training bands in a couple of different sizes (they are pretty inexpensive) and with the door adapter (also inexpensive), there is no good reason to miss weight training. Lorenwelder bands are amazing for travel. If you can hit up the hotel gym. thatll work too As long as you have the workout sheets, you dont really need the videos. Just take the sheets to the gym kimmidland I personally dont think you need to add any extra workouts to body beast. The tempo of the workouts is pretty intense. Are you going to be tracking your nutrition for body beast with something like myfitnesspal

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